Case study : KACÁR FARM

Domain of activity
  • Educational sequence
Objective of the tool/method As the geographical features favour sustainable agriculture and modern trends in food production the number of self-sufficient farms and enterprises are growing steadily in the Eastern and Central European countries. This tendency that has the aim to revive the traditional ways of food processing and bring back the methods of old times can help to preserve conventions and customs of a certain area or region and at the same time it can also represent the basis for the diverse food production in the future. However, sustainability has its own open questions and gives way for a lot of discussion, including topics like energy use, climate change, reasonable management of ecology, and the safety of food supply. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) promoted by the EU - together with the suggested reforms and the process of greening – serve exactly the above mentioned aims and objectives. Knowledge and experience of traditional farming represent an essential part of agricultural sciences. It is crucial that students of Green Education and Training along with the young farmers of today gain a useful knowledge about it. In order to help the development of particular regions and do some further marketing for rural tourism, a lot of agricultural entrepreneurs run their business as educational farms by applying and promoting the traditional production of that certain area. These farms today have become more and more attractive not only for students but also for the inhabitants of the neighbouring settlements and regions. Nowadays it is also a trend that city dwellers have become interested in ecology and the environment and they want to learn more about the traditional and sustainable ways of food production.
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Contact Judit Covic
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Address 1. Pater K.u.1, Gödöllő
Town Gödöllő
Author of the index card Judit Čović, Zsuzsanna Pátkai, Tamás Nagy
Author structure Szent Istvan university, Gödöllő, Hungary
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