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Mountin ash, rowan (Speierling)
Subtitle / abstract
Reintroduction of Speierling in Hesse
Domain of activity
- Arboriculture
Support of the practice documentation
Place of experiment
Description of experiment
After a short intevriew with a representative of a winery in hessen, we heard about the relevance for Speierling in the production of cider.
We started looking for producer and found one.
The Horticulture of Speierling is similar to the apple hortculture. You plant the Speierling Fruit into a prepared soil. Than after some years and the write cutting you get Speierling fruits. The harvest is very difficult, this is why nobody want to take care about this fruit.
Nobody really knows about the value of this fruit.
More information
"//The Speierling is indeed no apple variety, but this is a fruit related to the Rowan. Has been supplied in order to clarify the traditional cider. It was always difficult to get the cider clear. The Speierling has a very high content of tannins, that is, if you try pure, it taste bitter and then the whole mouth is numb, because the tannin is so strong there. The ciders where something's inside of these tannins that are just generally stronger and have a more powerful sound. The amount on Speierling which is now actually processed is relatively low. Anyone who has a Speierling tree, can deliver the Speier Linge and we like to buy also during harvest time. Is well paid. Approximately . 60 Euro //"(Source: representatives Possmann)
Succes factor
- 2 Interviews
- demand-side perspektive
Met difficulties
- rare species
- work intensive harvest
Dellmann, Nicolai
Contact email
Arbeitsgruppe Regionalforschung und -politik
Fachbereich Geographie
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Deutschhausstraße 10
35032 Marburg
Author of the index card
Nicolai Dellmann
Author Email
Growing sets and seeds of Raka onion
Subtitle / abstract
Agroeclogical practice explained
Domain of activity
- Agriculture
Support of the practice documentation
video, short notice of conversation
Place of experiment
Raka (E Slovenia 45°55′42.74″N 15°22′56.3″E)
Description of experiment
The interview with the president of local Turist association in Raka (Dolenjska region, Slovenia) was conducted to identify good practice of transfer of agroecological kowledge by help of CAP mechanisms. He explained how they managed to revive production of traditional old local variety of oninons of once well kown Raka onions.
In the interview he told us a story of traditional approach of growing sets and production of seeds of local variety oninon.
The story was recorded on video and is usefull for illustrating what is agroecological knowledge and the example of oral tradition transfer.
More information
The knowledge is a part od agroecological pratcices connected to Raka onion traditional growing in the past desribed in: http://sagiter.eu/intranet/wakka.php?wiki=TraditionalOnionVarietyFromRakaESlovenia&lang=en
The traditional way of onion growing in Slovenia was planting of small onion bulbs called sets (čebulček) produced from the seed a year before
For growing onion sets women at Raka used to select special place on the field or in the garden. They prepared a heap of straw and branches and fired it. The heat eliminated potential weeds which could compete with young onion plants from the seed during first weeks of development. Ashes also represented an isolation and fertilization of the plot. Onion sets (čebulček) were collected and dried for the next season.
For the production of onion seed the best small onion bulbs (sets) were selected and planted on the edge of the field. It enabled special manitenance of elite plants and it didn't disturb regular onion production on rest of the field.
Fichier : bf_fichierjoint_PB071592.jpg
Succes factor
A part of traditionlal knowledge about onions from Raka is documented and usable for presentation of agroecological practice.
Using sets (čebulček) was necesary to produce stabile yields and good quality onions in regional pedoclimatic cicumstances.
According to the informator onions grown from the sets have better aroma and even shapes of bulbs than onions from plantlets produced by direct sowing.
Met difficulties
Video material is of not high quality, but important information is recorded.
Production of the sets prolongs the time from the seed to the produce since it takes two seasons to get consumption onions.
It poses higher risk of spreading diseases borne by bulbs.
Alojz Kerin
Contact email
Raka 36 a,
8274 Raka
Raka, Slovenia
Author of the index card
dr. Janko RODE
Author Structure
Chamber of agriculture and forestry of Slovenia, Gospodinjska 6, SI-100 Ljubjana, SLOVENIJA
Author Email
Traditional onion variety from Raka (E Slovenia) - revival
Subtitle / abstract
Local people decided to revive cultivation of an old red onion variety by help of CAP .
Domain of activity
- Agriculture
Support of the practice documentation
film, articles and news in different media
Place of experiment
Raka (E Slovenia 45°55′42.74″N 15°22′56.3″E)
Description of experiment
The interview with the president of local Turist association in Raka (Dolenjska region, Slovenia) was conducted to identify good practice of transfer of agroecological kowledge by help of CAP mechanisms. He explained how they managed to revive production of traditional old local variety of oninons of once well kown Raka onions.
In 2011 private iniciative of local Turist association and different other stakeholders from Raka identified a need to revive the production of Raka oninons. They proposed the project of revival of Raka onion and 2013 won the tender of LEADER program.
Traditional, almost extinct practices, which are a good example of agroecological konowledege, were collected in the area where Raka onions were produced in the past. From different informators, predominantly housewifes, the tehcnology of production and posharvest treatment were documented. Seeds of garden populatuions were collected and description of the variety was done by agricultural professionals. Also the technology of growing was set and seedlings produced in glasshouses of Biotecnical center Grm Novo mesto. The bochure with descriptions and technology was prepared. In connection with promotion of Raka onions culinary workshops, degustations and education events were organized. Onions were starting point of joining producers of different local produsts (vegatebles, herbs, honey, arts and crafts) under common brand Najboljše z Rake (The best from Raka).
More information
Onions from Raka were well konwn and appreciated in Austro-hungarian empire. In the times of Maria Theresia vegetables and fruit from Dolenjska were due to their quality transported to Wienna and sold also to the Habsburg Royal Court. Raka was the first stop on the way and their onions were added to transports. Specific growing conditions and long adaptation of the plant resulted in specific quality of the produce. Almost all homestades had a plot with onions. Producers exchanged seeds and kept them. Special technoques of growing onion plants for seeds were developed and employed. The tradition survived to 20th century.
In late 1950 there was a farmer on Raka who produced between 30 to 50 tons of Raka variety onions, but he didn't have successor and the production ceased. Raka onions remained only on private vegetable gardens. The iniciative of Turist association helped to revive the stroy and to connect it with tourist, education and social activities.
Informator: Alojz Kerin, president of Turistic association Lovrenc from Raka.
Raka: http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raka
About Raka onions on national TV portal:
https://www.rtvslo.si/lokalne-novice/dolenjska/raska-c-bula-najboljse-z-rake/323508 (video and article, photos)
An article in Dolenjski list newspaper: http://www.dolenjskilist.si/2013/11/22/106592/novice/posavje/Raski_c_buli__zelijo_vrniti_nekdanji_sloves/
An article in Delo newspaper:
Succes factor
CAP measure LEADER gives a good opportunity to Local action groups to realize small projects connected to agroeclogical knowledge of local communities.
The need of revival was identified by a group of local stakeholders and turned into project proposal.
Raka onion variety survived the time of neglection and became the focal point of local initiative of connecting local producers of food. art and craft and caterers, under common brand.
The story enabled promotion of local specifics to natives to enhance teir selfesteem.
It represents interesting starting point of turist and educational activities in local community.
Met difficulties
There was no documentation about Raka variety onions.
All data had to be collected from the schratch and contacts with profesionals had to be established to get the best results.
Starting seed material was scarse in the beginning.
Some local people showed scepticism about the success of the story.
Alojz Kerin
Contact email
Raka 36 a,
8274 Raka
Raka, Slovenia
Author of the index card
dr. Janko RODE
Author Structure
Chamber of agriculture and forestry of Slovenia, Gospodinjska 6, SI-100 Ljubjana, SLOVENIJA
Author Email
Oléiculture / Olivegrowing (+vidéo)
Subtitle / abstract
Des soins de la terre à la dégustation, en passant par la taille, la forme de l'arbre, les traitements naturels ...
Domain of activity
- Arboriculture
Support of the practice documentation
Vidéo, réalisée dans le cadre du programme Sagiter.
Place of experiment
Bellegarde (Gard)
Description of experiment
Un producteur explique à une future oléïcultrice comment gérer les oliviers.
More information
Oléïculture par sagiter2015""
Oléïculture par sagiter2015""
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Domaine des chardon
Bellegarde 30
Author of the index card
Author Structure
Author Email