Training session analysis on horticultural local varieties - EFA Galicia - Santiago de compostela, Spain

Structure EFA Galicia
Subtitle / abstract Recovery and transmission of agroecological knowledge in horticultural local varieties
Target group
  • Trainers
  • Others
Duration 8 days along 8 months
Preamble **Public target** : trainers and potential new producers around the cultivation of local horticultural varieties Horticultural production is a technique with a varied structure of crops and production systems. Based on the local climate, soil and taking into account social preferences, it is possible to grow a wide range of varieties. Due to reasons of economic and productive competitiveness they have been introduced foreign varieties that have displaced local varieties, but these local varieties were adapted to the environment and resisted better the particular conditions of each field and possible attacks of pests or diseases. As a result of this process, they were introduced phytosanitary control techniques that have replaced ancestral techniques used to control the cultivation of local varieties. In this situation, traditional knowledge and knowledge on the development of local agriculture be transmitted to all current (and future) horticulturists as guarantor of recovery of practices in this sector. Thus they highlight the activities focused on applying a friendly farming environment and local development. With the recovery of horticultural practices it seeks to identify and study the different traditional products from one region to preserve and optimize their production processes. This transfer of knowledge is mainly focused in the management of crops and cultivation forms. It is therefore necessary to consider a number of factors and/or agroecological techniques to develop this type of crops. In addition, there is interest in introducing this type of production in agriculture training itineraries without displacing types of conventional and intensive production. The trainer has 50% of the educational program to treat matter from the ecological point of view, which facilitates the practice of agroecological knowledge transmission in this type of crops.
Principles of action The work schedule of the training activities planned will take place in parallel with the natural process of crops. The different phases of this calendar will follow the general outline adopted by the training center program to apply the methods of transmission of agroecological knowledge in tomato, potato, onion and peppers. In each of the phases, there are tasks that will develop during in the training itinerary. On the one hand, there is a process of information recovery and secondly an itinerary for the transmission of recovered agro-ecological knowledge is established. In this itinerary the trainer transmits knowledge to current and potential producers.
Phases in the training pathway **Preparatory phase** During this stage the trainer has collected all the information necessary to have basic knowledge about the topic that intended convey. This phase includes the following activities : • Preparation work; the tasks before the collection of information were focused on contacting and meeting with local producers, dedicated to conventional agriculture or organic farming to create an operative group. • Collection of information; the trainer collected information on horticultural practices through meetings, interviews and observation practices in local areas with the working group of producers. • Analysis of the information collected; after having all the necessary information, the trainer proceeded to analysis and preparation of teaching materials. **Phase of training with producers** The trainer conducts a series of training activities with producers, scheduled depending on the natural cycle of crops. These activities can be developed on land owned by farmers, in farms of other producers or in production plants specialized in organic farming : • Group visit for observation and analysis of crop or related crop activity In this activity, the operating group of producers convenes in the place of activity (horticultural farm). It works on the subject by relying on the technical staff or the owner of the farm • Practical implementation A practical activity is done to reach the objectives of the session. • Discussion and analysis of information After conducting of practice, an analysis is made and opinions are exchanged on the activity, taking note of the positive and negative aspects of agroecological processes performed. • Observation of results in upcoming activities In the following activity there is a monitoring of the results of the practices performed previous sessions.
Observed interest of the training process We note that making contact with producers interested in the agro-ecological knowledge is easier, if the first person contacted is a reference in this type of agricultural activity and whether their technical-economic results obtained are positive. It is also noted that the implementation of practical activities helps for awareness and reflection by the producer and trainer of the importance of the application of agroecological knowledge in agricultural production to improve their productive, social and environmental surroundings.The activities should be flexible runtime and content within the itinerary to fit the crop cycle and the availability of time by producers and technicians. Also, it is important the involvement of the educational community and the social environment of the producer for properly run the activities and itinerary. Most of the farmers come from organic production or are starting with it and they are aware of the difficulties in this production model. Their involvement in training is higher and thus, they facilitate the realization of the training itinerary.
Limits and difficulties encountered Regarding trainers, there is hardly aware agroecology trainers due to intensive production trends that have been carried out in recent years Also It is complicated motivate new horticulturists when conversion processes to organic farm are slow with many administrative obstacles For the itinerary execution's is necessary a very high flexibility because the participation of producers and technicians depends heavily on crop cycles and weather. The groups are very heterogeneous, both prior knowledge and interest for each crop, therefore some activities, in which the participants maintain a passive attitude, become more difficult.
Recommendations It would be important the involvement of universities in the training of specialized technicians/advisers in organic farming or sensitized with agro-ecological activities. The creation of farmers groups, with common interests, will also be necessary to facilitate the deepening in the agro-ecological processes It would be convenient to do the activity program with the involvement of the participants to validate dates and contents. It would be of great interest to involve public institutions at local and regional level in the importance of the valorization of agro-ecological knowledge and the impact on the future of their territory, promoting the local markets and use the sensitive products with the environment
Speakers José Gil, Juan Antonio Santos and José Manuel Rodríguez.
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Location of the training session

Adress Ponte de San Lázaro 11A
Post code 15703
City Santiago de Compostela
Country Spain