Agrohomeopathy in plant protection: opportunities without chemicals in practice 1. 2.

Structure SZIE Gödöllő Hungary, Herman Ottó Institute Budapest Hungary
Subtitle / abstract Introduction of agrohomeopathy products as a special approach of agroecology, innovative solutions to substitute pesticides with their impact mechanism.
Target group
  • Trainers
  • Teachers
  • Advisors
  • Farmers
  • Students
Duration 2 day program
Preamble General information about products used in agrohomeopathy. New and innovative ways of replacing pesticides. The impacts of agrohomeopathy products and their introduction to farming, horticulture and ornamental horticulture. Presentation of good practices: • growing vegetables and seedlings • fighting Drosophila suzukii - good practices, experiences and results of the Bilje Test Centre, Slovenia • fighting fungi diseases caused by Cylindrocladum buxicola and Cydalima perspectalis
Fichier : bf_fichierjoint_Invitation_(En)meghivo_homeopatias_konferenciahoz_regisztracioval.pdf Télécharger
Speakers Majda Ortan (from Slovenia), István Fehér, Apolka Ujj
Fichier : bf_attached_assessment_Szakmai_beszamolo_20160321-22.pdf Télécharger
Contact email

Location of the training session

Adress Páter K. u.1
Post code 210
City Gödöllő, Budapest
Country Hungary