Aknowledge traditional knowledge
Subtitle / abstract
System of National vocational qualifications offers the possibility to official recognition of agroecological knowledges
Domain of activity
- Agriculture
- Transformation
- Other
Support of the practice documentation
Place of experiment
Description of experiment
A National vocational qualification (NVQ) is a formally recognised work-related, competence-based qualification which reflects the skills and knowledge needed to do a job effectively and shows that a candidate is competent in an area of work and as such, part of the national qualification framework.
The system of assessment and certification of NVQs in Slovenia is regulated by the National Professional Qualifications Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos 81/2000, 55/2003, 118/2006, 1/2007) adopted by the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs. This Act regulates the procedure and the competent bodies, agencies and organisations for adopting catalogues of standards of professional knowledge and skills, and the conditions and procedures for obtaining NVQs.
NVQ is intended to those who acquired different vocational competences throughout their lifetime, but did not have them assessed or awarded. Also for those who no longer enjoy the status of an apprentice or secondary school student and have gained relevant work experience. It enables workers in some domains to be promoted in their professional career without obtaining a higher level of professional education or completing a formal education programme.
The applicant who has obtained the National Vocational Qualification has better chances to find a job or be promoted in the workplace.
NVQ provides fairly quick and simple acquisition of publicly recognised documents to pursue the occupation. It enables the development of one’s career and personal development as the results of learning and experience acquired throughout lifetime. It facilitates transition between different companies and sectors. It gives enhanced social integration and motivation for further training and better employment opportunities for job seekers and inactive population.
More information
[[ Website]]
The National Vocational Qualification assessment and awarding procedure enables the applicant to prove his/her competence, knowledge and skills for the performance of certain tasks in relation to a selected National Vocational Qualification catalogue.
The NVQ acquisition procedure is divided into four segments:
1. Submission of the application
2. Counselling and compilation of a portfolio (certificates, supporting documents, reference letters, products, recognition documents…)
3. National Vocational Qualification assessment of protfolio and if needed additional checking of competences.
4. Public document NVQ is awarded after successful cmopleeting the procedure.
There are more than 140 NVQ Calaogues of competences in areas of construction, security, electro distibution, pharmaceutical industries, to competences in financial sector, TV production, agriculture, some traditional art and craft and others.
Since noumerous traditional skills and knowledges were passed from generation to generation by 'learning by doing' and are predomainately practiced now as a free time activities some skills are recognized trough the system to enable practitioners to enter the market.
From the group of traditional knowledges tere are over 15 traditional activities:
• manufacturer of felt and articles of felt
• manufacturer of bread, cakes, pastries and pasta in the traditional way
• mason, restoration Assistant
• manufacturer of traditional bobbin lace
• blachsmith
• roofing-tinsmith, restoration Assistant
• potter
• gingrebread and candle making
• ceramic stove maker
• beer brewer
• basket maker
• processor of milk in the traditional way
• processor of meat in the traditional way
• processor of fruit in the traditional way
• carver
Some of them comprise of traditional konwledges which can be considered as Agroecological knowledges. The system can serve for recognition of some other agroeclogical knowledges and practices.
Succes factor
The system of NVQ enables recognition of knowledes, skills and competences for which there is no formal education and is compiled by practice.
Person with awarded NVQ can start its activity as independent practitioner. The opportunity of ataining promotion at job or better opportunity to get a job. Also candidates with no education have opportunity to show skills and competences needed for different specialised jobs.
It has good perspective to incorporate additional recogbnition of some more agroecological knowledge.
Met difficulties
For activities which don't have wide poptential population there is no interest for designing the catalogue of knowledges.
It can pose problem also to get competent members of commission for assesment.
Urska Marentic
Contact email
Institute of the Republic of Slovenia
for Vocational Education and Training (CPI)
Kajuhova 32U
1000 - Ljubljana
Author of the index card
Janko Rode
Author Structure
Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia
Author Email