Network of organic farmers

Subtitle / abstract In each sector of organic farmers, there are some existing networks (horticulture, dairy cows, cattle, arable crops, fruits, small fruit…). The farmers union of organic farmers, gets some money to support those networks.
Domain of activity
  • Animation of group
  • Education
  • Training
Objective of the tool/method The exchange of knowledge between farmers
Description of the tool This often happens on an informal way, while visiting each other’s exploitation or farm. Sometimes they are drinking or eating something together and while talking to each other, they are exchanging some specific knowledge. An important aspect of it is the visiting of each other’s farms. The meetings are mostly organized at the farm of one of the participants. So information is also exchanged, by looking to each other’s fields, animals etc.
More information [[ See the page]] (in dutch)
Fichier : bf_fichierjoint_Handout_Workshop_netwerkmethodiek_2012.pdf Descargar
Succes factor But the farmers union and experts are supported to facilitate the networks. The meetings are mostly organized at the farm of one of the participants
Challenges Although farmers are really convinced about the advantages of the network, it seems to be difficult to be self-supporting. Farmers really like the exchange of knowledge, but they don’t always are prepared to organize it themselves…
Contact Bavo Verwimp
Contact email
Town antwerp
Author of the index card Sylvie Fosselle
Author email