Examples of agroecological farming throughout the history and the necessity of its revival today - Szent István University

Structure SZIE Hungary
Target group
  • Students
Duration 1,5 hours
Preamble The module gives a short but comprehensive revision of traditional farming and exploitation of the ground in different environmental settings (plains, hills, mountains). Moreover gives an insight into processes and activities that have changed the image and the farming of the Carpathian Basin and strongly emphasizes the fact that today the adaptation of farming and food production to the local environment is a must.
Speakers Dénes Saláta
File : bf_attached_assessment_Sagiter_presentation_SalataD.pdf Download
Contact email Salata.Denes@mkk.szie.hu

Location of the training session

Adress Páter K. Str. 1.
Post code H-2100
City Gödöllő
Country Hungary