Country Belgium

Exchange of knowledge and experience: from seeds to bread

Subtitle / abstract in a field visit to a mill, a farmer, a miler, a baker talk about their way of producing seeds, cereals, flower and bread from an agroecological perspective
Domain of activity
Place of experiment a mill
Description of experiment in a field visit to a mill, a farmer, a miler, a baker talk about their way of producing seeds, cereals, flower and bread from an agroecological perspective. They talk about the difficulties with own seeds and how they cope with it. The talk about the importance of different varieties. It is important to see the different steps in the chain. Scientists, students, advisers and farmers discuss about this and exchange information and experiences.
File : bf_fichierjoint_bread.pdf Download
Succes factor field visit farmer, miller and baker explain different approaches different stages of one chain
Contact Sylvie Fosselle
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Town Bruxelles
Author of the index card Sylvie Fosselle
Author Structure VLM
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