Experiences of agroecological farming at Zsámbok Organic Market Garden - Szent István University

Structure Szent István University
Subtitle / abstract Introduction to ecological vegetable production through practice.
Target group
  • Students
Duration 4 hours (or according to the needs of the lecturers/animators)
Preamble The aim of the practice is to give a holistic experience of the small farm year through practical participation in seasonal activities (e.g. early spring sowing, pricking out, planting out, etc.)
Principles of action Lectures, farm visit. Optional: making interviews and then studying, analysing and synthetizing them in small groups. Doing directed practical work.
Speakers Matthew Hayes, Apolka Ujj, István Fehér
File : bf_attached_assessment_EarthDay2014Zsambok_(1).pdf Download

Location of the training session

Adress Páter Károly u.1.
Post code 2100
City Gödöllő
Country Hungary