Global management

Le tout petit visuel qui suit permet de suivre en temps réel l'avancée du programme au jour le jour. Il fera l'objet de mises à jour au fur et à mesure de l'avancement du programme.
The small picture allows to follow in real time the advance of the program from day to day. It will be the object of updates according to the progres of the program.


WP1 Management global100%
WP2 Organization and functioning of local groups100%
WP3 Observation/census, data collection and analysis100%
WP4 Implementation of the trainings, experiments 100%
WP5 Feedback of experiences, adaptation, implementation of training 100%
WP6 Writing of the training module, dissemination 100%
WP7 Assessment90%

From december 2013 to april 2014
Put in form of the acts of the meeting (Marie-Laure et Lydia 10 days) 100%
Compose and meet by visio the pedagogic comitee ( before 6 weeks) 100%
Define the aims and program of Marburg meeting 100%
Séminaire d'experts en agroécologie (Fumeterre) Annecy 100%
Restitution of the meeting to the local teams of your tructure (each partner) 100%
Begining the training session over Culture du Houblon in Galicia100%
Invite and constitute the local groups (each partner) 100%
Elaborate recomandations - guide- for the interview (collaborative tool) 100%
Journées de formation PNR PACA (Supagro+Geyser 100%
Begin to collect data, experiences... 100% .
Specifications of the website (contening)- Supagro 100%

From may to september 2014
Meeting the group method of interview may-june-july(Marie-Laure) 100%
Meetings of local groups 100%
Elaborate recomandations - guide- for the interview (collaborative tool) group 100%
Following training session over Culture du Houblon in Galicia100%
Réunions du partenariat français 100%
Formalise a typoligie of different agroecological knowleges - different types of knowledges (Philippe) 100%
Meeting of the folow-up comitee all the 1st tuesday morning of the month (9h30) - Marie-Laure - Guy 100%
Défine the aims of Slovenia meeting (Janko-Ales& VLM) 100%
Participate in Florac meeting colloquim 11 july (Diffuion) Sylvie Fosselle, geyzer, Fumeterre) 100%
Elaborate the website (Guy) 100%
Put on line tools in englisch 100%
Communicate on your territories, countries and poot the tracks on the dropbox (all partners) 100%
inform each month the timesheet for your contry 100%
Participation in of Slovenia meeting (all partners) 100%

From september 2014 to may 2015
Regular meetings pilot ans scientific group (Marie-Laure) 100%
Ljubljana meeting report (Marie-Laure) 100%
Participation in l'Université du vivant (Fumettre) 100%
Meetings of the national partnerships and local groups- 2 meetings (Marie-Laure) 100%
27-29 juin 2014: local seminar Dortmund (22 student P.U.M) 100%
Internal meetings Supagro- 3 meetings (Marie-Laure) 100%
Analyse data collected in Romania100%
Collection of testimonies on the ground (all the partners) 100%
Publishing of resources (all the partners) 100%
Development of the website (Guy+Christian) 100%
Preparation of the intermediary report (Guy-Cathy) 100%
Preparation of a flyer (Guy) 100%
Preparation of Romania meeting (Marie-Laure&Sandor) 100%
Follow-up comitee animation : 8 meetings (Marie-Laure) 100%
Impulse projects on the SAE in the French Agricultural education in region Paca (Marie-Laure+Lydia 100%
Conception and realization of the training course 26-29 mai 2015(Marie-Laure+Lydia+Loïc) 100%
Set up a training(formation) on the hop in Galicia (Rosa & Gil) 100%

From june 2015 to october 2016
writing intermediary report (Guy+Marie-Laure+Cathy) 100%
Printing the flyer (Guy+Cathy) 100%
Organising the 2 workshops : competencies and evalation j-Luc et Nicolaï+volunteers 100%
Organisation by group capitalisatin of this 2 constributions (Geneviève-Guy) and validation by the scientiific comitee 100%
Preparing Hungary meeting (Izstvan+pilot group) 100%
writing acts of Cluj meeting (Marie-Laure-Guy) 100%
restitue Cluj meeting to our teams (all partners) 100%
Organise or continue training sessions (Spain) 100%
Organise or continue training sessions (Slovenia) 100%
Organise or continue training sessions (Romania) 100%
Organise or continue training sessions (Belgium) 100%
Organise or continue training sessions (Germany) 100%
Put on line Tools, expériences and practices (France) 100%
Put on line Tools, expériences and practices (Spain) 100%
Put on line Tools, expériences and practices (Romania) 100%
Put on line Tools, expériences and practices (Slovenia) 100%
Put on line Tools, expériences and practices (Belgium) 100%
Put on line Tools, expériences and practices (Romania) 100%
Desing plan for training intinerary(Scientific group) 100%
Organise mensuel meetings (Marie-Laure+Scientific group) 100%
Objectives Gödölö finalise training itinerary, preparing the test in each country, dissemination strategy, Website evaluation 100%