Country Belgium

Field visit to an agroecological dairy farmer

Subtitle / abstract a field visit and discussion between farmer and advisers about the holistic approach in dairy farming
Domain of activity
  • Agriculture
  • Transformation
Place of experiment farm
Description of experiment To understand better agroecological knowlege and experiences it is good to see it live in action and to discuss it with advisers and agroecological farmers. The farmer explains his holistic vision on dairy farming. He gives arguments (economic, social, ecological) why he does so. He explains how he gained his knowledge (internet, other farmers, experimenting, ...).
File : bf_fichierjoint_farmer.pdf Download
Succes factor You can see live the achievements of the farmers. A live conversation with the farmer.
Met difficulties To find a moment that all participants and the farmers are available.
Contact Bavo Verwimp
Contact email
Address Cardijnlaan 1, 2200 Herentals
Town Herentals
Author of the index card Sylvie Fosselle
Author Structure VLM
Author Email