Country Belgium

Introduction to agroecology and the role of advisers

Subtitle / abstract introduction to the different (scientific) approaches on agroecology, the global perspective and the role of the adviser in transferring knowledge and experiences
Domain of activity
  • Agriculture
Support of the practice documentation presentation of expert
Place of experiment Brussels
Description of experiment An expert in agroecology is invited to give a presentation about the concept, the different approaches, the different dimensions and the global problems of feeding a growing population. Then the group of advisers is divided in small groups for furter discussion on how advisers perceive the concept of agroecology and what the role of an adviser can be in transferring agroecological knowledge and experiences. After this, there is a plenary discussion on the answers.
File : bf_fichierjoint_introduction.pdf Download
Succes factor An interesting expert who explains very clear and understanding. Working in smaller groups gives more chances to everyone to give their opinion.
Contact Sylvie Fosselle
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Address Guldenvlieslaan 72, 1060 Brussel
Town Brussel
Author of the index card Sylvie Fosselle
Author Structure VLM
Author Email