Transnational Meetings

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A meeting has been organized in each country, at a rate of two meetings per year .
These meetings are privileged moments which allow the different partners to become more familiar with the culture of the host country.

They are means of pooling of the representations of each of the partners.
They allow to test tools in real situation, to adapt them to the local contexts .
They are times of regulation, reorientation of the program and on-going evaluation
They are also strong times of dissemination of the program in the host country
They are time of conviviality and cultural discovery

Dates to be held

- 12-14/11/2013 : Florac 100%
- 06-08/05/2014 : Marburg Germany 100%
- 21-24/10/2014 : Lubljiana Slovenia 100%
- 02-04/6/2015 : Cluj Romania 100%
- 09-11/11/2015 : Gödöllö Hungary 100%
- 08-10/03-2016 : Santiago de Compostela Spain 100%
- 04-06/10/2016 : Louvain&Brussels Belgium 100%