Methods of knowledge transfer

Domain of activity
  • Education
Objective of the tool/method A first approach about knowledges transfer by Hungary team
Description of the tool There are three approaches to select knowledge transfer method: 1. user needs – can be used, when an individual, team, or organization has a specific needs in mind. 2. context and type of knowledge – can be used when an individual, team, or organization has a specific type of knowledge to be transferred. 3. level of experience – can be used when the potential receiver of the knowledge has a specific level of experience. The first approach needs strongly personalized knowledge transfer method, while the other two summarized the following techniques.
Fichier : bf_fichierjoint_transfer.pdf Télécharger
Contact Istvan Feher
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Address 1. Pater K. Gödöllő 2100
Town Gödöllő
Author of the index card Hungary team
Author structure Szent Istvan university, Gödöllő, Hungary
Author email