Mountin ash, rowan (Speierling)
Subtitle / abstract
Reintroduction of Speierling in Hesse
Domain of activity
- Arboriculture
Support of the practice documentation
Place of experiment
Description of experiment
After a short intevriew with a representative of a winery in hessen, we heard about the relevance for Speierling in the production of cider.
We started looking for producer and found one.
The Horticulture of Speierling is similar to the apple hortculture. You plant the Speierling Fruit into a prepared soil. Than after some years and the write cutting you get Speierling fruits. The harvest is very difficult, this is why nobody want to take care about this fruit.
Nobody really knows about the value of this fruit.
More information
"//The Speierling is indeed no apple variety, but this is a fruit related to the Rowan. Has been supplied in order to clarify the traditional cider. It was always difficult to get the cider clear. The Speierling has a very high content of tannins, that is, if you try pure, it taste bitter and then the whole mouth is numb, because the tannin is so strong there. The ciders where something's inside of these tannins that are just generally stronger and have a more powerful sound. The amount on Speierling which is now actually processed is relatively low. Anyone who has a Speierling tree, can deliver the Speier Linge and we like to buy also during harvest time. Is well paid. Approximately . 60 Euro //"(Source: representatives Possmann)
Succes factor
- 2 Interviews
- demand-side perspektive
Met difficulties
- rare species
- work intensive harvest
Dellmann, Nicolai
Contact email
Arbeitsgruppe Regionalforschung und -politik
Fachbereich Geographie
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Deutschhausstraße 10
35032 Marburg
Author of the index card
Nicolai Dellmann
Author Email