Country Spain

Permaculture in Galicia

Subtitle / abstract it is a video which shows a way of transmission of permaculture practice
Domain of activity
  • Agriculture
Support of the practice documentation Film
Place of experiment Galicia region
Description of experiment The video is divided into three phases: Phase 1: it includes the testimony of a permaculture's farmer being interviewed by a trainer of EFA center, where he exposes arguments in favor of permaculture system and explains the type of agriculture practiced by him. Phase 2: The trainer shows to the future farmers the video made to permaculture's farmer and after viewing it, they proceed to the analysis of content to better understanding this practice. Phase 3: Undertake a practice by future farmers in a field test, where they put into practice the knowledge and techniques that have been handed down to them.
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Succes factor It is an audiovisual material that allows to observe directly to permaculture, it helps motivate more to recipients and it helps to create the group dynamics The video can collect all the transmission process of practice visually, therefore it is a material that can be used also by other trainers. It is easier its dissemination
Met difficulties Time and also material suitable for realization are needed
Contact Gil José
Contact email
Address Federación EFA Galicia Ponte de San Lázaro, 11A, 1º Santiago de Compostela
Town Santiago de Compostela
Author of the index card Leis Rosa
Author Structure José Manuel Campos and José Gil