Pratical Experiences
This section contains a number of experiences which were implemented on the territories of the Sagiter partner's.They have for objective to illustrate the implemented approach in the project.
You can consult these index cards and to have more information, contact their authors by referring to you in the title of the index card.
Students on a farm
Students on a farm
Subtitle / abstract
Extracurricular learning on a farm
Domain of activity
- Other
Support of the practice documentation
Place of experiment
Description of experiment
The Students will develop, based on a frame (SAGITER-Florac Seminar), suitable concepts for extracurricular learning on a "Farm / Community-supported agriculture sight".
To do so, they will combine basic assumptions of AE & sustainability.
Another core activity is learning by doing. Learning in the fields.
The test and evaluation of own learning curricular (group work).
Kümper Heide
Integrated systems in Porto Novo
Other country
Integrated systems in Porto Novo
Subtitle / abstract
Mixed landuse, no waste
Domain of activity
- Management of environment
Support of the practice documentation
Place of experiment
Porto Novo, Benin
Description of experiment
A student excursion took place in 2016. 18 Students went to the Songhai center to better understand the work of the organization. The field visit shows complex interactions of divers agricultural practices. Most of them biological, some of them aggro-ecological.
Songhai’s farming methods emphasize protecting the natural resources and the environment, due to complex network interaction.
The production of agricultural crops, the raise livestock and fish, and the production of energy are the pillars of work. In consequence, Songhai, uses mix-farms strategies, to capture value for the crop. Without the use of chemicals.
Porto Novo, Songhai
Traditional hedge management in the county Marburg-Biedenkopf
Traditional hedge management in the county Marburg-Biedenkopf
Subtitle / abstract
Reuse of traditional hedges for bioenergy
Domain of activity
- Arboriculture
Support of the practice documentation
Text, Photos
Place of experiment
Succes factor
There is a growing demand for bio fuels. Therefore it is easy to convince landowners to use the potential.
Met difficulties
The competition of land use causes a decline of natural space for flora and fauna. Maize for example is dominating the overall agricultural production. Often for the use of the production of biogaz.
Farmers are not aware of the benefit of hedge management.
Tim Roesler
Contact email
Deutschhausstraße 10
35032 Marburg
Marburg- Biedekopf
Author of the index card
Nicolai Dellmann
Author Structure
University of Marburg
Author Email
Profil de sol dans une carrière (+ vidéo)
Profil de sol dans une carrière (+ vidéo)
Subtitle / abstract
Profiter d'une ancienne carrière pour examiner les différents éléments constituant le sol.
Domain of activity
- Arboriculture
- Agriculture
- Forestry
- Wine growing
- Other
Place of experiment
Centre de formation, vidéo réalisée pour le programme Sagiter
Description of experiment
La carriere par sagiter2015""
La carriere par sagiter2015""
Hélène Hollard
Contact email
Author Structure
AGROHOMEOPATHY ancient knowledge for sustainable farming
AGROHOMEOPATHY ancient knowledge for sustainable farming
Subtitle / abstract
First experiences with Drosophila suzukii controll without PPP
Domain of activity
- Arboriculture
- Agriculture
- Management of environment
Support of the practice documentation
interview, notes from meetings, field visits, photos, media release
Place of experiment
Slovenian part of Istra peninsula, S Slovenia
Description of experiment
A group of small fruits producers from Primorska region were actively searching for alternative strategy to fight Spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii. They contacted mrs. M. Ortan, who is an owner of company dealing with agrohomeopathy. After a number of meetings dicussing the problem ing. Ortan developed custom made agrohomeopathy preparation. The use of agrohomeopathy was tested in real circumstances on cherry plantations in Slovenian part of Istra (S Slovenia) in season 2015, where first pests were recorded in 2010.
To prevent the damage by Spotted wing drosophila mrs. Ortan developed, the preparation Cora agrohomeopathie X104 NaturSTOP CONTRA Drosophila suzukii. The agrohomeopathyc concentrate was diluted ( 10 ml in 10 l water) and activated by shaking. It was put into reservoir of common spraying device and applicaded accoring to instructions.
Till the mid of june no damaged fruits could be detected despite the occurrence of spotted wing drosophila in the orchard was proven by traps. The use of Cora agrohomeopathie X104 NaturSTOP-CONTRA Drosophila suzukii preparation showed good results.
More information
Spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii Matsumura is one of the most invasive pests of small stone fruit originating from Southeastern Asia. Attacking all kinds of healthy soft- and thin-skinned fruit crops it poses a big economic threat to small fruits growing. There are little possibilities to fight against the pest and only few insecticide active compounds are limited successful but there is growing environmental concern connected to their use. Alternative strategies as traps and cultural management practices have limited success and are time and resource consuming. The possibility of the natural enemies’ introduction is problematic since many of them don't survive in northern hemisphere weather conditions. There is also a lack of knowledge and research about them.
As all other Cora agrohomeopathie™ products the concentrate was designed by agrohomeoptay researcher and practitioner mrs. Majda Ortan. Agronomists, fruit growing professionals and farmers’ advisors joined in testing the preparation. First experiences with Cora agrohomeopathie X104 NaturSTOP CONTRA Drosophila suzukii use had shown very promising results.
Succes factor
The most important potential success factor is growing farmers awareness about need for more sustainable agricultural practices with lower impact to environment and humans.
The approach is bottom up oriented, where producers explained their troubles, needs and characteristics of the pest to author of preparate.
The agroecological knowledge is directly transferred from practitioners to the producer of agrohomeoptahy preparation.
Possibility of use of local resources of raw material and production of custom made preparations.
Technology is not demanding and is easy to use. It enables production of high quality energetic live food and fodder.
Possibility of use of the approach and innovative technology in all sectors of horticulture, crop production and indirectly also on animal breeding is another factor of possible success.
Met difficulties
Lack of information, low understanding and common perception of (agro)homeopathy in Slovenia
Scepticism about success of the practice between target groups.
ing. Majda ORTAN
Contact email
Agrohomeopatija za rastline in škodljivce
Ing. Majda Ortan s.p.
Ob Meži 30
2391 Prevalje
Prevalje, Slovenia
Author of the index card
dr. Janko Rode
Author Structure
Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia
Author Email
Culture sur butte (+ vidéo)
Culture sur butte (+ vidéo)
Subtitle / abstract
Comment et pourquoi cultiver sur différents types de buttes, avantages à en retirer.
Domain of activity
- Agriculture
- Other
Support of the practice documentation
Place of experiment
Centre de formation, vidéo réalisée pour le programme Sagiter
More information
Culture sur butte par sagiter2015""
Culture sur butte par sagiter2015""
Hélène Hollard
Contact email
Author Structure
Prélèvements de sol (+ vidéo)
Prélèvements de sol (+ vidéo)
Subtitle / abstract
Observation participative du sol, utilisation d'une tarière. Quelques informations données sur la texture, la vie du sol ...
Domain of activity
- Arboriculture
- Agriculture
- Forestry
- Other
Support of the practice documentation
Place of experiment
Centre de formation, vidéo réalisée pour le programme Sagiter
More information
Prélèvements de sol par sagiter2015""
Prélèvements de sol par sagiter2015""
Hélène Hollard
Contact email
Author Structure
Observation de plantes bio-indicatrices (+ vidéo)
Observation de plantes bio-indicatrices (+ vidéo)
Subtitle / abstract
Utiliser les plantes pour mieux connaître notre sol.
Domain of activity
- Arboriculture
- Agriculture
- Forestry
- Other
Support of the practice documentation
Place of experiment
Centre de formation, vidéo réalisée pour le programme Sagiter
Description of experiment
Repérer les plantes présentes de façon significative et à l'aide de documents informatifs, connaître mieux sa parcelle, la nature de son sol, les pratiques passées ...
More information
Observation de plantes bio-indicatrices par sagiter2015""
Observation de plantes bio-indicatrices par sagiter2015""
Hélène Hollard
Author Structure
Recovering of hops practice in Galicia
Recovering of hops practice in Galicia
Subtitle / abstract
This document shows the process developed in the territory with the involvement of different actors for recovering this practice
Domain of activity
- Agriculture
Support of the practice documentation
Text and pictures
Place of experiment
Comarca As Mariñas - Region of Galicia - Spain
Description of experiment
the different actions in the territory with the involvement of different actors for the recovery of hop growing in this rural area are described:
- Programming of cultural activities for the involvement of the population. They are events that awaken historical memory about this tradition
- Creation of local groups involving multiple actors: old producers, local hops cooperative, training centers, advisers, development actors and brewing company interested in producing a beer with this kind of hops
- Youth activities, future farmers, with field practices so that they can know the crop hops directly
Fichier : bf_fichierjoint_hops_pratice_EFA.pdf
Succes factor
- Network actors
- To have resource persons (older) as transmitters
- Involvement of beer Company - encourages production
- Intergenerational exchange - young people (students - future farmers) and
older (former producers)
-Impact on training (training center role) - ensures the transmission
Met difficulties
-Resource persons too old with dificulties to transmit - only oral transmission
-Difficulty to involve stakeholders in the territory
-Poor documentation about this practice
Leis Rosa
Contact email
Ponte de San Lázaro, 11A, 1º
15703 Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela
Author of the index card
Rosa Leis
Author Email
Permaculture in Galicia
Permaculture in Galicia
Subtitle / abstract
it is a video which shows a way of transmission of permaculture practice
Domain of activity
- Agriculture
Support of the practice documentation
Place of experiment
Galicia region
Description of experiment
The video is divided into three phases:
Phase 1: it includes the testimony of a permaculture's farmer being interviewed by a trainer of EFA center, where he exposes arguments in favor of permaculture system and explains the type of agriculture practiced by him.
Phase 2: The trainer shows to the future farmers the video made to permaculture's farmer and after viewing it, they proceed to the analysis of content to better understanding this practice.
Phase 3: Undertake a practice by future farmers in a field test, where they put into practice the knowledge and techniques that have been handed down to them.
More information
Succes factor
It is an audiovisual material that allows to observe directly to permaculture, it helps motivate more to recipients and it helps to create the group dynamics
The video can collect all the transmission process of practice visually, therefore it is a material that can be used also by other trainers.
It is easier its dissemination
Met difficulties
Time and also material suitable for realization are needed
Gil José
Contact email
Federación EFA Galicia
Ponte de San Lázaro, 11A, 1º
Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela
Author of the index card
Leis Rosa
Author Structure
José Manuel Campos and José Gil
Author Email
Tradition of hop growing in Galicia
Tradition of hop growing in Galicia
Subtitle / abstract
Old audiovisual document containing all traditional production stages of growing hops
Support of the practice documentation
documentary film
Place of experiment
Fields hops production and brewing company in Galicia
Description of experiment
The documentary deals with the recovery of an old audiovisual documentary on the production of hops and demonstrating the tradition of this crop in a region of Galicia, where the hops was the main economic activity for many families. The documentary also shows all stages of production, with the involvement of men and women according to different tasks, up to the brewing.
More information
It is a documentary made by the Government of Spain - Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Areas.
La cultura tradicional del Lúpulo en Galicia por sagiter2015 par sagiter2015""
La cultura tradicional del Lúpulo en Galicia por sagiter2015 par sagiter2015""
Succes factor
It is a visual reflection of a reality that confirms the existence of this tradition of hop growing in Galicia. It serves to reinforce the recovery of this traditional economic activity, today almost disappeared
Met difficulties
Difficulty in accessing to this kind of material and there is not many documents as these
Leis Rosa
Contact email
Ponte de San Lázaro, 11A, 1º
15703 Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela
Author of the index card
Rosa Leis
Aknowledge traditional knowledge
Aknowledge traditional knowledge
Subtitle / abstract
System of National vocational qualifications offers the possibility to official recognition of agroecological knowledges
Domain of activity
- Agriculture
- Transformation
- Other
Support of the practice documentation
Place of experiment
Description of experiment
A National vocational qualification (NVQ) is a formally recognised work-related, competence-based qualification which reflects the skills and knowledge needed to do a job effectively and shows that a candidate is competent in an area of work and as such, part of the national qualification framework.
The system of assessment and certification of NVQs in Slovenia is regulated by the National Professional Qualifications Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos 81/2000, 55/2003, 118/2006, 1/2007) adopted by the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs. This Act regulates the procedure and the competent bodies, agencies and organisations for adopting catalogues of standards of professional knowledge and skills, and the conditions and procedures for obtaining NVQs.
NVQ is intended to those who acquired different vocational competences throughout their lifetime, but did not have them assessed or awarded. Also for those who no longer enjoy the status of an apprentice or secondary school student and have gained relevant work experience. It enables workers in some domains to be promoted in their professional career without obtaining a higher level of professional education or completing a formal education programme.
The applicant who has obtained the National Vocational Qualification has better chances to find a job or be promoted in the workplace.
NVQ provides fairly quick and simple acquisition of publicly recognised documents to pursue the occupation. It enables the development of one’s career and personal development as the results of learning and experience acquired throughout lifetime. It facilitates transition between different companies and sectors. It gives enhanced social integration and motivation for further training and better employment opportunities for job seekers and inactive population.
More information
[[ Website]]
The National Vocational Qualification assessment and awarding procedure enables the applicant to prove his/her competence, knowledge and skills for the performance of certain tasks in relation to a selected National Vocational Qualification catalogue.
The NVQ acquisition procedure is divided into four segments:
1. Submission of the application
2. Counselling and compilation of a portfolio (certificates, supporting documents, reference letters, products, recognition documents…)
3. National Vocational Qualification assessment of protfolio and if needed additional checking of competences.
4. Public document NVQ is awarded after successful cmopleeting the procedure.
There are more than 140 NVQ Calaogues of competences in areas of construction, security, electro distibution, pharmaceutical industries, to competences in financial sector, TV production, agriculture, some traditional art and craft and others.
Since noumerous traditional skills and knowledges were passed from generation to generation by 'learning by doing' and are predomainately practiced now as a free time activities some skills are recognized trough the system to enable practitioners to enter the market.
From the group of traditional knowledges tere are over 15 traditional activities:
• manufacturer of felt and articles of felt
• manufacturer of bread, cakes, pastries and pasta in the traditional way
• mason, restoration Assistant
• manufacturer of traditional bobbin lace
• blachsmith
• roofing-tinsmith, restoration Assistant
• potter
• gingrebread and candle making
• ceramic stove maker
• beer brewer
• basket maker
• processor of milk in the traditional way
• processor of meat in the traditional way
• processor of fruit in the traditional way
• carver
Some of them comprise of traditional konwledges which can be considered as Agroecological knowledges. The system can serve for recognition of some other agroeclogical knowledges and practices.
Succes factor
The system of NVQ enables recognition of knowledes, skills and competences for which there is no formal education and is compiled by practice.
Person with awarded NVQ can start its activity as independent practitioner. The opportunity of ataining promotion at job or better opportunity to get a job. Also candidates with no education have opportunity to show skills and competences needed for different specialised jobs.
It has good perspective to incorporate additional recogbnition of some more agroecological knowledge.
Met difficulties
For activities which don't have wide poptential population there is no interest for designing the catalogue of knowledges.
It can pose problem also to get competent members of commission for assesment.
Urska Marentic
Contact email
Institute of the Republic of Slovenia
for Vocational Education and Training (CPI)
Kajuhova 32U
1000 - Ljubljana
Author of the index card
Janko Rode
Author Structure
Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia
Author Email
Experiment with solar-powered pump in meadow bird farming
Experiment with solar-powered pump in meadow bird farming
Domain of activity
- Agriculture
- Other
Place of experiment
on a farm
Description of experiment
A public demonstration is organised to show the succes of an experiment set up by a farmer, an adviser and a ngo.
The farmer uses a solar-powered pump to manage the level of water on his grasslands. By this management the farmer can control the type of grass in his grasslands and the amount of feed for meadow birds in the breeding season.
To show this experiment, other farmers and ngo's can be inspired.
More information
[[ Zonnepomp]]
[[ Agripress]]
Fichier : bf_fichierjoint_solar.pdf
Succes factor
visibility of the demonstration
people with different visions
Met difficulties
takes some time to prepare
takes effort to bring farmers, ngo's and politicians together
Davy Noelmans (VLM)
Contact email
Koningin Astridlaan 50, 3500 Hasselt
Author of the index card
Sylvie Fosselle
Author Structure
Author Email
Exchange of knowledge and experience: from seeds to bread
Exchange of knowledge and experience: from seeds to bread
Subtitle / abstract
in a field visit to a mill, a farmer, a miler, a baker talk about their way of producing seeds, cereals, flower and bread from an agroecological perspective
Place of experiment
a mill
Description of experiment
in a field visit to a mill, a farmer, a miler, a baker talk about their way of producing seeds, cereals, flower and bread from an agroecological perspective. They talk about the difficulties with own seeds and how they cope with it. The talk about the importance of different varieties. It is important to see the different steps in the chain.
Scientists, students, advisers and farmers discuss about this and exchange information and experiences.
Fichier : bf_fichierjoint_bread.pdf
Succes factor
field visit
farmer, miller and baker explain
different approaches
different stages of one chain
Sylvie Fosselle
Contact email
Author of the index card
Sylvie Fosselle
Author Structure
Author Email
Testimony about transition towards agroecological farming
Testimony about transition towards agroecological farming
Subtitle / abstract
farmers and scientists discuss about transition and lock in in agriculture
Domain of activity
- Agriculture
- Transformation
Support of the practice documentation
images of farm
Place of experiment
Description of experiment
The workshop is presenting the different point of views on how a farmer can do the transition from conventional to agroecological agriculture. The farmer tells the story about his transition, about the reason he wanted the transition, about the difficulties in legislation, social (other farmers), …about the time and the effort it takes. Then some scientists and the public give their opinion about this. They talk about the lock in of the agriculture and about transition.
Fichier : bf_fichierjoint_workshop.pdf
Succes factor
tesimony of farmer
different perspectives
Sylvie Fosselles
Contact email
Author of the index card
Sylvie Fosselle
Author Structure
Author Email
Exchange of knowledge and experience: improving soil quality
Exchange of knowledge and experience: improving soil quality
Subtitle / abstract
farmers, scientists and advisers explain and discuss how the soil quality can be improved
Domain of activity
- Agriculture
Support of the practice documentation
field visit
Place of experiment
Description of experiment
A group of scientists, farmers, ngo's, advisers visits the field of two farmers who explain how they have improved the quality of the soil and how they try to close the cycle of nutrients in cooperation with other farmers. A soil expert (scientific) makes a hole in the ground and explains from her/his point of view what is happening in the soil if you undertake certain actions for improving soil quality. A fertile soil is compared to a soil of lower quality.
Fichier : bf_fichierjoint_soil.pdf
Succes factor
an on field experience
the discussion from different perspectives (farmer, scientist, ...)
Sylvie Fosselle
Contact email
Author of the index card
Sylvie Fosselle
Author Structure
Author Email
Interdisciplinary interaction on agroecological knowledge and exchange
Interdisciplinary interaction on agroecological knowledge and exchange
Subtitle / abstract
a group of advisers, scientists, farmers, ngo's define together which knowledge, attitudes and skills are needed from an agroecological perspective and how that can obtained
Domain of activity
- Agriculture
- Transformation
Support of the practice documentation
scheme for structuring
Place of experiment
Description of experiment
A interdisciplinary group of advisers, scientists, citizens, farmers and ngo's is composed. Starting from an actual problem (farmers who want to do a transition in their way of farming) they define together (and from their own perspective) which kind of knowledge, attitudes and skills a farmer needs to obtain this goal. What are sources and constraints?
Fichier : bf_fichierjoint_interdisciplinary.pdf
Succes factor
the different backgrounds of participants
Met difficulties
farmers to participate
Sylvie Fosselle
Contact email
guldenvlieslaan 72,
1060 Brussels
Author of the index card
Sylvie Fosselle
Author Structure
Author Email
Introduction to agroecology and the role of advisers
Introduction to agroecology and the role of advisers
Subtitle / abstract
introduction to the different (scientific) approaches on agroecology, the global perspective and the role of the adviser in transferring knowledge and experiences
Domain of activity
- Agriculture
Support of the practice documentation
presentation of expert
Place of experiment
Description of experiment
An expert in agroecology is invited to give a presentation about the concept, the different approaches, the different dimensions and the global problems of feeding a growing population.
Then the group of advisers is divided in small groups for furter discussion on how advisers perceive the concept of agroecology and what the role of an adviser can be in transferring agroecological knowledge and experiences.
After this, there is a plenary discussion on the answers.
Fichier : bf_fichierjoint_introduction.pdf
Succes factor
An interesting expert who explains very clear and understanding.
Working in smaller groups gives more chances to everyone to give their opinion.
Sylvie Fosselle
Contact email
Guldenvlieslaan 72, 1060 Brussel
Author of the index card
Sylvie Fosselle
Author Structure
Author Email
Field visit to an agroecological dairy farmer
Field visit to an agroecological dairy farmer
Subtitle / abstract
a field visit and discussion between farmer and advisers about the holistic approach in dairy farming
Domain of activity
- Agriculture
- Transformation
Place of experiment
Description of experiment
To understand better agroecological knowlege and experiences it is good to see it live in action and to discuss it with advisers and agroecological farmers. The farmer explains his holistic vision on dairy farming. He gives arguments (economic, social, ecological) why he does so. He explains how he gained his knowledge (internet, other farmers, experimenting, ...).
Fichier : bf_fichierjoint_farmer.pdf
Succes factor
You can see live the achievements of the farmers.
A live conversation with the farmer.
Met difficulties
To find a moment that all participants and the farmers are available.
Bavo Verwimp
Contact email
Cardijnlaan 1, 2200 Herentals
Author of the index card
Sylvie Fosselle
Author Structure
Author Email
Questionnaire for self-reflection of advisers/consultants
Questionnaire for self-reflection of advisers/consultants
Subtitle / abstract
the advisers asking questions to themselves about their way of advising, about transferring knowledge,.
Domain of activity
- Other
Support of the practice documentation
Place of experiment
Gent and Leuven
Description of experiment
A questionnaire is set up by some advisers. The questions are about:
- the way an adviser is preparing his visit to a farmer
- the way he gives advise and talks to the farmer
- the way he receives information and what he does with this information
- how he handles with the information after the visit
The advisers fill in the anonymous questionnaire and have the possibility to discuss it with a central person who helps them to understand the meaning of the questions (if necessary).
After this, there is an open discussion with all the advisers and a moderator about the (anonymous) answers. The idea is to give the adviser insight in his way of working with farmers.
Fichier : bf_fichierjoint_advisors.pdf
Succes factor
the questionnaire is anonymous
a discussion afterwards is good for hearing about the experiences of others
Met difficulties
Questions are interpreted differently by different people and therefore there are answers difficult to compare
Some people don't have patience to fill in the questionnaire
Some people are not open to question their way of working
Sébastien Janssenss
Contact email
Vestiging Brugge, Velodroomstraat 28, 8200 Brugge
Author of the index card
Sylvie Fosselle
Author Structure
Author Email
Video about managing grasslands and meadows
Video about managing grasslands and meadows
Subtitle / abstract
An easy made video about how a farmer manages his grasslands in a productive way but with respect for the meadow birds.
Domain of activity
- Agriculture
- Management of environment
Support of the practice documentation
Place of experiment
Description of experiment
This experiment is based upon the tool of "autoconfrontation"
1. Define about what knowledge or experience you want to make a video
2. Define your target public (advisors, farmers, citizens, authorities)
3. Go to farmer and explain about the aim and the methodology of the tool
4. Make an appointment with farmer about when you will film his practices
5. Day of practices: farmer elaborates practices, actions are filmed with simple camera or smartphone
6. Editing of the first film shots
7. Return to farmer with edited film about practices, show him video and ask him to comment the scenes. Ask him more specific questions about the actions.
8. The farmer will comment the scenes and step by step will go further into detail and finally explains the deeper reason why he is doing this practices. This is very important to registrate because this is how you can understand what is underlying reason for him and how it could trigger other farmers to take over this practice.
9. The shots of the farmer while he is commenting his actions should be mixed with the shots earlier filmed of the action itself.
10. The final video can be used to show to other farmers, to citizens to explain them how a farmer works, to advisors
More information
[[ CAIRN website]]
[[ ]]
Fichier : bf_fichierjoint_final_video_farmer_managing_grasslands_and_meadows.mp4
Succes factor
If a farmer explains something to another farmer, it sounds more convincing.
The devices you use are easy to get: smart phone, laptop, free programs for editing a film.
You can show a video everywhere and to anyone.
Met difficulties
The moment for filming the practice has to be choosen carefully. For the haying, you need clear weather. The farmer chooses the right moment and you have to be there immediately. He cannot wait longer.
It takes a lot of time to edit the video, choosing the right images and explanations of the farmer in order to make it clear what and why he is doing this activity in this way.
Davy Noelmans (VLM)
Contact email
Koningin Astridlaan 50, 3500 Hasselt
Author of the index card
Sylvie Fosselle, Davy Noelmans
Author Structure
Author Email
Meadow Birds Café
Meadow Birds Café
Domain of activity
- Agriculture
- Management of environment
Place of experiment
Farm of farmer who manages his meadows for
Description of experiment
This experiment is based upon the methodology and the design principles of the World Café Process.
• Create a space where people can meet freely without conflict
• Start with interactive course of a science expert about agriculture and meadow bird topics
• Set up a discussion between farmers and nature ngo’s, so people can listen to the different visions upon the management of grasslands and meadows
• Give a present ‘recognizing meadow bird booklet’ to all participants
• Set up a field visit for showing the experiences of farmers and nature ngo’s
• End the Café with an Informal discussion and networking moment
More information
[[ Principles]]
[[ Collection]] (Dutch)
Fichier : bf_fichierjoint_cafe.pdf
Succes factor
to create a nice and 'safe' setting for bringing people together with
to create a networking evironment
to honour farmers and nature ngo's for their cooperative work
to give a present to the farmers
Met difficulties
Takes time to convince farmers, politicians to participate in the event.
Davy Noelmans (VLM)
Contact email
Koningin Astridlaan 50, 3500 Hasselt
Author of the index card
Sylvie Fosselle, Davy Noelmans
Author Structure
Author Email
Bronze tools - old knowledge for the future
Bronze tools - old knowledge for the future
Subtitle / abstract
Reintroducing different traditional gardening tools to modern life as replicas made from bronze for sutainable farming. Tha way of transfer agroecological knowledge to every day life.
Domain of activity
- Agriculture
Support of the practice documentation
interview, video, website,other documents
Place of experiment
Volčji potok, Slovenia
Description of experiment
To study the transfer of traditional knowledge connected with gardening tools we had an interview with Gregor Kvasnik and his partner Tina the only producers of bronze tools in Slovenia. Five years ago they established small company and named it Osti jarej (very old Slovenian greeting meaning: "Be (stay) healthy, invigorated, vital" ).They represented their work and demonstrated the use of their tools in Arboretum Volčji potok, well known horticultural facility near Domžale Slovenia.
Osti jarej" produces different models of bronze tools. Some of them are universal and others are reproductions of traditional gardening tools from different parts of Slovenia. They noticed that wide range of different versions of tools was used in the past. They looked for them on farms and in ethnological collections and museums. They studied their properties and have chosen three different types of hoes (zala, vesna , vida) to reproduce them in bronze. Traditional hand narrow sickle for weeding (slava - see attached video) was made according to old tool from enthnographc museum but old women still knew to use it. The reporduced some other types of gardening and field tools, garden knives, claws and a tiller in bronze. They also manufacture a reproduction of a kind of druid sickle (miroslav). The most interesting and innovative is a weeder (ljubica) with heart shaped cutting part. It was invented by inspiration by Tina and has interesting features. It can be used by both hands (right or left handed) and it enables user to go as near as possible to the plant not to damage it. The weeder is very popular since it is used as a present to passionate gardeners.
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Manufacturing of bronze tools is quite difficult because the most of technology, knowledge and understanding about what causes and how it works in plants and soil was lost. So lately they are bringing people back the information and knowledge about useful properties of copper alloys. Their tools are made from a copper alloy - bronze consisting of 94% copper and tin. The alloy is several times harder than iron and tools obtain the strength comparable to steel.
Bronze garden tools are intended for use on cultured fertile soil for vegetable and flower gardens, flower beds, vineyards and parks. Some models are appropriate for cultivation of the fields. They recommend the use of copper tools to growers who are engaged in organic farming, permaculture and biodynamics. Due to their specific properties, bronze tools are kind to the soil and ensure careful care and rapid healing of the earth, as well as complementing organic and agro-homeopathic preparations. Copper has a beneficial effect on water retention in the soil and contributes to the quality of the soil and crops. Bronze tools have very low friction coefficient and are easy to use. This kind of tools were used during the "bronze age" and are very durable.
More than ten different tools were presented and their use demonstrated and explained. Short videos were made about different tools and their use (one of videos is attatched as a document three different other videos are prepared - they can be used similar to video sequences presented in Methods and tools:
Fichier : bf_fichierjoint_Osti_jarej_Pralca.avi
Succes factor
Study of traditional hand tools for gardening and weeding enabled authors to reintroduce different kinds of tools and reproduce them in bronze - old traditional material for tools and weapons. They gathered agroecological knowledge and konwledge of technology of bronze and combined them into innovative product siutable for sustanable farming practices. Tools are appropriate for use in organic, permaculture and biodinamic farming.
Bronze tools have numerous beneficial properties for the user, plants and soil. One of imoprtant features is that has 30% less friction than iron and it is very easy to work with, also for elderly people (see user experience on the website). The tools don't gather dirt and are easy to clean. They are easy to manitain.
Good experience with gardening tools are translated to tilling machines and ploughs for filed cultivation (ploughshares or entire ploughs covered with layer of bronze reduce fuel consumption of tractors).
Some of tools are innovative, special in design and are appropriate as a gift for passionate gardeners.
Authors represent their approach, knowledge and products through numerous presentations and demonstrations and transfer agroecological kowledge to different interested target gorups.
Short videos made could be good tool in explaining agroecological practices.
Met difficulties
Presentations could be somehow commercial, but authors are flexible and are reday to ephasise tradition, their experience, philosophy behind and old knowledges (agroecological point of their activity) to meet different audiences.
A lot of people still don't know about beneficial properties of these tools and a lot of skepticism is still around.
Gregor Kvasnik
Contact email
Tomaž Kvasnik s.p.
Cesta svobode 16, SI-4240 Radovljica
Phone: +386 40 217 191
Radovljica, Slovenia (46°20′33.06″N 14°10′19.48″E)
Author of the index card
dr. Janko RODE
Author Structure
Chamber of agriculture and forestry of Slovenia, Gospodinjska 6, SI-100 Ljubjana, SLOVENIJA
Author Email
Tradition of Gold of pleasure ( Camelina sativa L. Crantz) growing
Tradition of Gold of pleasure ( Camelina sativa L. Crantz) growing
Domain of activity
- Agriculture
Support of the practice documentation
questionaire ,video, photos,
Place of experiment
Kozji vrh nad Dravogradom ( N Slovenia, 46°37′34.55″N 15°4′55.76″E), Otiški vrh ( N Slovenia, 46°34′18.69″N 15°2′5.45″E
Description of experiment
We conducted two interviews with two elderly people from two farms, where the traditional growing methods for camelina are stil used and oil preparing practiced. The first was grandmother on the farm and the other was owner of the farm who presses oil for his use and also for other farmers. Both are over 70 years old.
Field production of Camelina sativa (toter or riček) is an old tradition of Koroška region (N Slovenia). It was grown predominantly on farms situated on hihger altitudes (over 700 m asl). It was a minor crop and an oil culture predominantly used to produce camelina oil (totorvo olje, ričkovo olje). In the past oil was used as a lighting oil, technical oil and oil for consumption. Over all past uses camelina oil is stil considered efficient traditional remedy for different health complaints and wound treatment. Today also food science proved its beneficial effects on human health.
Traditional growing method used by people of Koroška consisted of "wide sowing" by hand, on plots free of weeds and every farmer knows where on his farm camelina grows the best. There was only one weeding and thinning of sown plants necessary. Farmers considered it as easy crop to grow in their harsh conditions. Harvest was conducted when camelina plants turned yellow and seed pods were ripe enough. Cut plants were tied in bundles and left for three days to dry on the field (some farmers didn't tie the bundles and left cut plants on ground for three days). Bundles were transported to the homestead, threshed by threshing machine and weed seeds separated by big sieves. The seeds were packed in jute sacks and stored in dry and dark place.
Traditionally seed is used for oil making by "warm method" by milling the seeds and roasting them. When optimally roasted they transfer the mass into pressing device. The expressed oil was caught into vessels and left for some days to clear by sedimentation of floating small particles. Oil is then filled in glass bottles and sealed.
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Farmers used to sell camelina oil on farm and some of it was sold to local pharmacy, where people from city could buy it. The price was all the time relatively high ("fair") comparing to other oils.
Camelina oil is still on high demant driven by traditional uses as a the remedy and also with growing health consciousness which promotes the use of oils with high share of nonsaturated fatty acids,
Some farmers from the lower parts of Koroška with favourable growing conditions decided to produce camelina on their fields using modern approaches in cultivation and replace growing of wheet or maize or introduce it into crop rotation.
Succes factor
Cameila sativa is a crop with low demands and is uitable for short growing season in the moutainous parts of the region.
Farmers knew good the caracteristics of the crop and have chosen optimal plots for its production. Both interviewees said that they know on which fields they can grow camelina and which are better for other crops.
Farmers knew that the plot should be free of weeds and the best results were achieved by turning permanent grassland into a filed or in the past also by burning exploited forest plot.
Tradition of use of camelina oil as a health remedy maintained interest of farmers to produce camelina sativa. Promotion od high nonsaturated fatty acids oils into healthy food consumption gave rise to new customer group of people dedicated to health conscious nutrition.
Met difficulties
Green seed pods produce seeds of low oil content and of low quality. So knowing the signs of optimal ripeness is very important.
Overripen seed pods could open spontaneously resulting in massive crop loss. The harvest should take place at the right time,
Too long roasting can result in oil of low quality (dark and bitter). Milled seeds were mixed with little amount of water to prevent burning and the consistency of the mass was monitored by testing the mass between fingers to obtain right consistency for pressing.
The oil has relatively short shelf life. Farmers solved the problem by storing seeds and making oil by demand. The seeds can be stored for two years with no deterioration of oil quality (only quantity slighty drops). Oil is filled into the bottles imedietly after sedimentation period and sealed.
dr.Janko Rode
Contact email
Kozji vrh nad Dravogradom 5
2370 Dravograd
Otiški vrh 102
2370 Dravograd
Author of the index card
dr.Janko Rode
Author Structure
Chamber of agriculture and forestry of Slovenia, Gospodinjska 6, SI-100 Ljubjana, SLOVENIJA
Author Email