Séminaire de Marburg
Philipps-Universität of Marbourg, established in 1527, is the oldest Protestant universities of Germany. It lays a role particularly important for the brand image of the city and is closely involved with the municipal identity.Marbourg is a pleasant student city raised on a hillside
It distinguishes by its castle perched on a spur and by its impressive Gothic church, dedicated to saint Elisabeth. The latter, princess of Hungary come withdraw here to look after the incurably ill, made for a long time of the city a center of pilgrimage. With the Protestant reformation, Marbourg became an important home of Protestant theology..
Les réunions de préparation (42.8kB)Quickguide (0.3MB)
La grille d'évaluation(36.4kB)
Le programme (44.7kB)
Actes du séminaire de Marbourg (0.3MB)
Proceedings of Marburg seminar (0.2MB)
Efa de Galicia (2.8MB)Contribution Geyzer (71.3kB)
Contribution Roumanie(0.3MB)
Contribution VLM (0.5MB)
Contribution Hungary (Judith)(0.6MB) Identification_of_agroecological_knowledge_in_Slovenia.pdf (1.9MB)
First tools
Fiche pédagogique de recueil de photos(0.2MB)Vidéo sur la production de bière en Galicia
Le tableau des transmissions (ph. Barret) (0.6MB)
De la transcription des savoirs à leur analyse (94.6kB)
Mesuring knowleges about sustainable agriculture (Hungary)(27.6kB)