Country Belgium

Testimony about transition towards agroecological farming

Subtitle / abstract farmers and scientists discuss about transition and lock in in agriculture
Domain of activity
  • Agriculture
  • Transformation
Support of the practice documentation images of farm
Place of experiment Heverlee
Description of experiment The workshop is presenting the different point of views on how a farmer can do the transition from conventional to agroecological agriculture. The farmer tells the story about his transition, about the reason he wanted the transition, about the difficulties in legislation, social (other farmers), …about the time and the effort it takes. Then some scientists and the public give their opinion about this. They talk about the lock in of the agriculture and about transition.
File : bf_fichierjoint_workshop.pdf Download
Succes factor tesimony of farmer different perspectives
Contact Sylvie Fosselles
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Town Brussels
Author of the index card Sylvie Fosselle
Author Structure VLM
Author Email