The Post-It wall

Domain of activity
  • Animation of group
  • Training
Objective of the tool/method __Pedagogical objectives__ : - Collect perceptions on a subject/theme - Develop a shared vision on a subject/theme - Stimulate creativity and imagination on a subject/theme __Operational objectives__ : - Bring out ideas, perceptions, information - Organise and classify these
Description of the tool To build a project, develop a strategy, share a vision of a theme… the Post-It technique is interesting in that it enables the emergence of ideas through direct interaction. This method calls upon group and individual intelligence. Within the training framework there are many application and the participants discover other working methods, acquire new skills, develop their autonomy, creativity and imagination, and learn to work together. Procedure: 1. In relation to the objective of the sequence, choose the subject or the theme. 2. Forum: invite the persons to give an idea, a word or a drawing per Post-It and then stick it onto the wall wherever they want. The participants may well follow a spontaneous organisation. 3. Establish a moment for comprehension questions about the Post-Its with the group as a whole and then a period for gathering and new ideas which may arise through the discussion phase. 4. Implement a period of organisation or re-organisation of the Post-Its in relation to the key groups that emerge and also the objectives of the sequence. 5. Take a photo of the whole in order to develop the work initiated by the group and to keep a record. This enables you to return to the initial production if you want to compare, for example, the final results with the first representations to measure the evolution of the group. To help with the process of stimulating ideas, the Post-It technique can be combined with a brainstorming process. It is also possible to use colour Post-Its where each colour may represent a theme or a function. For example: in blue, what I expect from this project; in green, what I can bring to this project; in red, what agroecology means to me; and in yellow, what I think about the research-action process.[[ ]]
More information An example of a Post-It wall : See the Post-It wall made by Sagiter partners at the programme launch seminar, using the Padlet tool. This wall was the result of a sequence based on the group’s initial impressions of the project. It enabled us to share a vision of the programme in order to stimulate the initiation of the and obtain the prerequisites necessary for collaborative and co-construction work for research-action. There is a collaborative tool on line which can be used to make a wall: Padlet. It is very easy to use and is adapted to all types of collaborative or group work (presentation, wall of documents, brainstorming…). In addition to text, it enables the insertion of images and video. A new tool which opens up a new pedagogical field to be explored. Below, a link to a presentation of Padlet by the Canopé network : Padlet tutorial.
Succes factor The Post-It notes are sometimes not legible due to writing that is too small or not printed and this makes reading of the wall as a whole more difficult. Don’t hesitate to alert the participants about this. Have some sticky tape to hand because if the Post-Its are moved often, they tend to lose their adhesive qualities.
Contact Marie-Laure Girault
Address 9 rue Célestin Freinet 48400 FLORAC
Author of the index card Marie-Laure Girault
Author structure Institut d'éducation à l'agro-environnement de Florac