Training session analysis on permaculture - EFA Galicia - Santiago de compostela, Spain
EFA Galicia
Subtitle / abstract
Recovery and transmission of agroecological knowledge through the permaculture video
Target group
- Trainers
- Students
5 days along 2 months
**Public target** : Trainers and students in ecological horticulture
Within agroecology there are numerous techniques and variants that allow the horticulturist manage soil and conserve its biodiversity. Among these techniques we have the permaculture (not very accepted among producers), in most cases, due to ignorance of this technique, also because it is a very slow production process and a great knowledge is required.
Therefore, it is a training itinerary most suitable for students who are in training process and if it is included in the curriculum project, it can be apply more rigorously and getting better success.
At the moment, there is not much documentation about permaculture, the consumers do not know the production process using this technique and prices of products are similar to those of organic farming, therefore, there are few farmers interested in permaculture.
Principles of action
The work schedule of the training activities planned will take place in the classroom and on the practice field, in periods compatible with crop cycles. In each of the phases, the tasks which will be developed in the training schedule, will broken down
A recovery process of information and an itinerary for the transmission of collected agroecological knowledge are established. In this itinerary the trainer transmits knowledge to potential new producers.
Phases in the training pathway
**Preparatory phase**
During this stage the trainer collects information about permaculture. This phase includes the following activities :
• Preparatory tasks; contact and meet with a local producer who practice organic farming techniques, including permaculture
• Collection of information; the trainer collected information by performing the "Permaculture Video" with farmer specialized in this practice
• Analysis of the collected information; after making the video and have all the necessary information, the trainer proceeded to analysis and preparation of teaching material
**Training phase with students**
The training activities are carried with students, these activities will be scheduled depending on the natural cycle of crops.These activities are carried out sometimes in the classroom and others in the practice field :
• Presentation and explanation of permaculture video
In this activity the trainer shows the permaculture video to the students and will explain the observed techniques. Audiovisual media are used to carry out this activity, so, this is more enjoyable for students and they assimilate better the concepts.
• Field practice
It takes place on the practice field, where students perform and follow over the time the evolution of the field test, in order to evaluate the results of permaculture technique.
• Feedback in the classroom
After conducting the practice, an analysis and the opinions exchange are done in the classroom, taking account of the positive and negative aspects of agro-ecological processes performed with the permaculture technique.
Observed interest of the training process
• We note that the contact of the trainer with a producer in permaculture was positive for motivation in the transmission of agroecological knowledge to their students.
• It is also noted that making videos help better understanding and motivation of students in the classroom and later in the practical process. It also helps to reflect on agroecological production techniques and the benefits that this entails.
• There are an implication of three key agents, on the one hand the producer who collaborates with the training center, represented by the trainer and students who are the ultimate beneficiaries of this training itinerary.
• Most of students know little about ecological production, but their lack of training is an advantage to arouse their interest and participation in these activities.
Limits and difficulties encountered
• It is not easy to get people trained in permaculture and much less professional producers usually are amateurs, retired people or producers for their own consumption.
• It must be very confident with producer permaculture because generally, they are misunderstood and they not allow to record or take pictures.
• It is also difficult to motivate permacultor to speak openly about the activity and have confidence to do it, otherwise the video may serve little to the transmission to students.
• For the execution of the itinerary it is necessary to motivate students to perform this activity, which within organic farming may be less attractive than other.
• Invite the permacultor to the training center to talk with students, may motivate further activity
• It would be positive include a visit of students to the exploitation of permaculture to see the results directly
• As the majority of students have a horticulture production on their farms, it would be interesting to propose a practical permaculture activity in their own farms and comparing results
• Increase the hours of the training itinerary for the better crop control in permaculture
Lolo Andrade (permaculture farmer) and José Gil (Trainer)
Contact email
Location of the training session
Ponte de San Lázaro 11A
Post code
Santiago de Compostela