Agroecological practices in raising sheep

Structure Formation of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (USAMV) Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Subtitle / abstract Itinéraire pédagogique dans le cadre du projet SAGITER
Target group
  • Trainers
  • Teachers
  • Advisors
  • Farmers
  • Students
Duration 3 jours / 3 days
Preamble ** The structure of the method of predators** **The purpose of the method** : implementation of a transfer encestral of traditional knowledge from one generation to the other. **The participating groups:** - --Group 1: the shepherds (come the traditional knowledge holders); - --Group 2: predators (thieves of knowledge traditiionnelles); - --Group 3: the Council of elders (judges, lawyers, prosecutors); **The merits of the case (aproach teaching):** the flight of knowledge farmers related to the activities of the shepherds. -predators have protected knowledge belonging to a group of shepherds in the commune of Rosia (Bihor) at the OSIM (National Agency of Standards and brands); - the shepherds filing a complaint with the Council of the elders of the town of Rosia. **The dispute resolution steps:** -the lawyer of the shepherds of Rosia filed a complaint with the Council of elders of Rosia; - the lawyer from predators provides the arguments of its customers; - evidence of ownership of traditional knowledge are put at the disposal of the Council of elders by each of the parties; - the Council of the elders analysis the evidences; - the Council of the elders announces the verdict; - the sentence is disputed; - the protest is examined by a restricted panel of the Council of the elders; - the Council of elders makes a final verdict; **The types of knowledge of agroecologiques by the method:** -Knowledge about the family organization of the shepherds (mountain or valley family origins); -practices of defenses tale offenders (hunters, bear, Wolf); -the good practices agroecologiques in the summer pasture (Tarla and Mutatura, driving the herd, pasture management, forage management, disease and pest management), NB: the historical in Europehniques of the Don devalmasie pasture management is the first practical agroecologique Millennium of common management of the pasture at the historic level in Europe; -the good practices agroecologiques (zootechniquest constructions and the human habitat) material wealth management; -the good management practices of gastronomic heritage; -the good management practices of the craft heritage (lace and popular clothing); -the good trade management practices (cheese, wool cloth, salt etc.); -the good management practices of heritage intangible (music, traditions); **Historical overview of the method of the dispute; Juice Valachorum** -The predators method based knew a historical judgment of the shepherds practice which has existed since the dawn of time Jus Vlalachorum. She helped the Carpathian shepherds to build the only system of professional law of Europe on the breeding of the sheep recognized by the various States in the face of their own system of law (the law of judgment by Jus Valachorum in Dacia existed at the time of the occupation by the Roman empire). -The predators method is based on a set of ancestral knowledge, a historical organization of the pastoral activity produced by the owners of sheep and mountain pastures, the belagines laws to the laws of the land or the Valacques laws. **The test of the way of predators on different departaments of Romania (case study)** In July, August, September 2016 have been made three tests of 3 days each, with groups of the shepherds of the towns of Rosia (department of Bihor), Avram Iancu (department of Alba) and Moisei (Department of Maramures); Tests have highlighted the different features that specific agropastoral practices resulting in these 3 departments: -Agropastoral structures different (the common in Bihor and Alba summer pastures) and the individual summer pastures in Maramures; -Very different grazing practices (in Maramures, the practice of realization of the Hay meadow is known for centuries only in Alba tardis and Bihor forage production practices are different); - Different transhumance practices: in Maramures in tenant account of the historical practice of the great migration in the Northern Carpathians (Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Republic Teheque etc.)- the approach is extremely dynamic at the technical and cultural level compared to the counties of Bihor and Alba, who have known only to local transhumantes practice (transhumance pendulatoire). -An agroecologique different sensitivity: an approach more ecological in the departments of Bihor and Alba (transhumance pendulatoire against small scale geographic of the 10 a 100 km) deal with more industrial practices in Maramures: practice of the great transhumance with grans herds of transfer: 1000-5000 animals.
Phases in the training pathway ** The phases of the educational route** **First day:** 1. 1. 1. **Sociocultural approach of teachers and trainers** This stage (3 hours) asuume intellectual relaxation of both parties around the room and a presentation of the history of each participant at the trening, that will allow mutual acceptance. 1. 1. 2. ** Socio-pedagocical approach of teachers and trainers** This stage ( 2 hours) asuume an exchange with participants on the content of the trening (submission methods, concepts, theses, practics) taking into account the limits of the training course and the weaknesses of the instruments considering, by stimulating the possible participants on educational improvements during the internship .This step is trust the group on the expectations of the two parties. 1. 1. 3. **Didactic approach on the concept of Agroecology** This stage (5 hours) asuume an exchange with the participants on the theory of agroecology technical approaches, economic, sociocultural. **Second day: visit and work teaching in a mountain pasture** 1. 1. 4. **Inventory of agroecologiques knowledge in the sunmmer** This stage (3 hours) consists in the establishment of an inventory of knowledge agroecologiques by a questionnaire, the questions take into account the lower sight topics. 1. 1. 5. **Analysis of knowledge agroecologiques with the predators teaching method** This stage (4 hours) consists of a simulation of a daily dispute between shepherds regis by Jus Valachorum (historical system of law specific to the valacques shepherds). -The trial is set up with the sheep owners concerned by the summer that will swap the 3 loles (shepherds, predators, Council of elders) is intended by the teaching method. This activity is organized with the shepherds of a mountain pasture (SEVERELY) which were organize in the history at the local level in the way next: -A Council of elders was formed by 10-15 shepherds more ages which had to judge any dispute of Community (predation of farm crops of farmers, disputes in forest, sheep theft, attacks of vaques migration or invadateurs / see the otomans, attacks of communities of indigenous peoples). -The shepherds of the summer that asure the function technical and economic management. The goal of these debate is the way in which the shepherds or predators can demonstrate the acquisition of the agroecologiques knowledge. Debates, discussions are the tools used during this stage. From a pedagogical point of view, the trial is recorded (video and photo) for the design of the instruments of analysis. **Third day: in classroom** 1. 1. 6. ** Contextualization of the method of teaching in its territory** This stage (4 hours) involves local context of each participant by working in small groups of 5 participants per group. Work is done in the workshop and the implementation of a teaching agroecologique about 5 districts. Each group will trade his role with the other two to be put in a situation of reflection deiferente. The goal of this step is an inventory of practices and the technical teaching adapted to the agropastoral practices of each districtthat, and it will be integrated eventually of a basic route adapted to the territory. 1. 1. 7. **Return of the workshops** This stage (2 hours) is a reproduction of the work of each workshop by a representative of each group in front of all the participants. Participants are keeping him was surprised by different related approaches has a central location and soccioculturel different context. 1. 1. 8. **Analysis of the dynamics of personal reflection of each participant** This step (3 hours) consists in a round table of participants and aims to identify the individual intellectel course of each participant during the course. This analysis will focus on different elements: - the initial expectations - the evolution of the expectations - the analysis of the other expectations of participants and developments during the internship - relationships with other participants (confilits and cooperation possible in the future) - relationships with teachers (oppositions, conflicts, cooperation) - relationships with the other participating groups (shepherds, traders, etc.) a pedagogical during field work approach %%%%
Observed interest of the training process **2.**** The diagnosis of the socio-economic organization and cultural of shepherds families** -The level of training of sheep farmers; - Standard sanitary veterinary and environmental of the summer pastures; - Organisationneles practices in case of aggression (bear, Wolf, hunters, man); - Best practices agroecologiques on the management of resources (health of the herd, water, pasture, forest, fruits) resources from hunting, hydro-energy resources; - Practices organizational legislative groups departmental breeders (the proposals of modification of the sylvique leisure, leisure in relation to grazing); - Good agro-culturelles practices of the groups (the agro-culturelle organization of transhumance sheep farmers departmental); - Good practices of Agroecologique agropastoral development best practices (the number animals per ha, pastures, the management of wild flora); -Best practices of agroecologiques production and marketing of sheep farmers (cheese, meat, lanolin, traditional music items, objects and equipment in wood, traditional clothing); - The structure and functioning of the system of training of sheep farmers - The tax and legal status of the shepherds - The analiyse of cooperation national and international of breeders departmental
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Location of the training session

Adress Calea Mănăștur 3-5
Post code 400372
City Cluj-Napoca
Country Roumania