Selective Attention - Gorilla Method

Subtitle / abstract Short medium of sensibilisation
Domain of activity
  • Other
Objective of the tool/method The selective attention is not a method in the proper sense, but it is more precisely a non cognitive state of mind. The method to is a sensitization and the result of this tool is the knowledge about the existence of selective attention. The deeper understanding about selective attention leads to a wider perception of the participants.
Description of the tool What you need: You need a video clip about selective attention - look in videoplatforms (Youtube, Dailymotion etc.) for “selective attention” in the search option. A possible procedure can be a video demonstration with a debrief.
More information
File : SelectiveAttentionGorillaMethod_bf_fichierjoint_tool_selective-attention.docx Download
Succes factor You need a group with participants without any preknowledge about this video. If so, please ask them to be quiet during the sequence. Ask them in the end, what they felt when they saw the video the first time.
Contact Nicolai Dellmann
Address Deutschhausstraße 10 35037 Marburg
Town Marburg
Author of the index card Nicolai Dellmann